We cruised the south coast of Newfoundland last summer and liked it so much we decided to circumnavigate this summer.
It has been the coldest summer in 20 years according to some locals but I guess that is a good thing, because otherwise we would not have had a chance to sail among the icebergs! This beauty was in the Strait of Belle Isle and we encountered it on our return to Newfoundland from Labrador.
We know that Tony and Coryn Gooch were here but we were wondering how many other BCA members have circumnavigated both Vancouver Island and Newfoundland in the same boat?
Hello and Langue,
What a nice surprise to hear of another BCA boat and crew in the Area! I guess we should pay more attention to the cruising map page…
If you have not gone by the Lahave River (near Lunenburg) area you have a standing invitation to visit our home on the river (8 miles inland) – warm house, showers the whole bit! Tillicum 1 is anchored just out on the river until she goes to the hard for her winter “nap”
We left Vancouver in 2009 via the canal, seems like a similar path.
Posted -October 10, 2015
Fair winds and following seas…
Russ and Heidi Mead
Ann on Cat’s Paw,
You guys are living the dream. such a wonderful adventure. We wish you all the best. If it is OK i would like to share you web site with the Fast Passage owners list,?
John and Naancy on Swiftsure
That would be fine, I will have to become a member of that list.
Great picture of an iceberg Ann. They certainly are magnificent. Aren’t Canadian’s lucky. We have such wonderful cruising ares on both the east and west coasts.
Good to hear that you and Barry are still cruising. Enjoy Cuba.