A good time was had by all at the May Rendezvous on Pender Island. Sixty-nine people on 35 boats cruised to Poet’s Cove where we traded sailing stories, played, and enjoyed the gorgeous weather on the Victoria Day long weekend.
Host boat Exodus kept the gang in order, providing us with lots of time for networking and having fun. On Saturday a few hardy folks went mountain climbing and then at the official kickoff Potluck Appy event, the scavenger hunt lists were given out and the race was on! Those who knew their Canadian history had a definite advantage.
On Sunday morning Elaine Humphries (Hatti) gave us a quick and up close look into life just off the dock before the Blind Voyageur Dinghy race began.
The race was won by Shala’s dinghy rowed by Harry Nichol, navigated by Jacqueline Randen and supervised by Admiral Ben.
To celebrate 150 years of Canada, everyone wore their best red and white for the potluck dinner and prize exchange. Rob Dodge from Nanamuk won the scavenger hunt with over 3,000 points. It pays to keep those funny old photos from 1967 close at hand…
Thanks to Exodus for being host boat and to all who came and helped to sail-e-brate our sesquicentennial!