When you receive the monthly digest of Currents, don’t you feel the urge to share it? The digest typically includes excellent articles by our members, fantastic listings of education courses, information about our fun Club Nights and much more…
To be honest with you, I can’t resist and share it on Facebook, Tweet about it, and shamelessly promote it on other sailing related sites. I do this not only because I wish to increase the readership, but also because I am proud of what we do as an association and I think many sailors out there will be interested in the content. I have to confess I also get a kick out of seeing that other sailing associations in Canada and the USA re-tweet my Tweet!
So… with this article I want to encourage you to share our publication. In fact, you can share the entire publication directly from the email digest, by clicking on the share buttons and follow the instructions; or you can share individual articles, by using the share buttons available at the bottom of each page:
You can also use the share links at the top of each page by clicking on “Share”:
And that will give you the option to share across any of your favourite social media sites, by simply clicking on the respective button and following the posting instructions:
So, the October compilation of articles is now available for download: enjoy and share it freely!
Hi Rosario,
Wondering where to find the map and list of ‘Do-ers’. Does this still exist in Currents or on the website? If have been looking with no success! I am working on speakers for 2016/17 and want to know who might be ‘in town’!
Kathy Swangard, Mid-Island Representative