Scottish Cultural Centre in Vancouver
14 Nov 2015 0930h 1630h - This course is sold out
Members $55 / Non-Members $70
BCA Vancouver Chapter
This popular course is for women only. It is intended for women who own and maintain their own sailboat, or those who want to gain a better understanding of diesel engines, including proper operation and maintenance. The instructor is David West. He is a diesel mechanic, sailing instructor and has an excellent way of explaining how diesel engines work and how to maintain them. This is the third year this course with David has been offered.
Please Note - this course is sold out
Might this course be offered in the future? I’m most interested in taking it but I have a conflict on that date. I am a BCA Calgary Chapter member and have also left a voice mail with this same question.
Thank you,
Hi Susan
Thanks for your interest. There is another Diesel course coming up on November 28. It will be announced next week. The difference being, the next one is a basic course for ALL not a Women Only. The material covered will be the same in both courses. You will see it posted on the website and in Currents. Watch for it next week.
I know you are in the Calgary Chapter and will not get the notice we send out by email. So if this date works for you, send me an email and I can set a spot aside for you