The theme for this year’s rendezvous is Sailing the Salish Seas with a Focus on First Nations History and Traditions. If you haven’t RSVP’d yet, there’s still time: RSVP online at the BCA website (you must be logged in as a member to do so), or send Rita a note.
Here is a schedule of planned events for the weekend. Promises to be lots of fun!
Saturday, May 16
Registration: All day on Baraka Bashad. Cost $5.00 p.p. to cover cost for food and misc.
Fly your BCA burgee all weekend. Get to know your fellow BCA members or meet visitors.
- 1600h Happy Hour on the floating breakwater. Bring an Appy and BYOB.
- 1730h Aboriginal Place name mixer game.
- 1900h Visiting boats and/or… SING-LONG on the breakwater by Chris’s fireplace. Bring your instruments and/or voice.
Sunday May 17
- 0900h Roll call Channel 69, low power.
- 0930h Bring your own mug with coffee or tea to the floating breakwater. Refills and breakfast snacks available.
- 1015-1030h Fleet meeting with Cameron McLean on the Breakwater.
- 1030-1130h Activities: Dream-catchers making, Bannock making and other activities.
- 1400-1530h Meet at the bottom of Poet’s Cove Resort, for a Photo Treasure Hunt/Walk in groups of 4, or visit BCA boats. If interested in having visitors hang a dish towel in the rigging.
- 1730h Potluck dinner on the floating breakwater. Bring a main dish AND a large salad or dessert AND Bring your own cutlery, beverage and plate.
- Draw and prizes from sponsors. Bring your ticket!
- Meet your Bluewater “dignitaries”.
- 1900h Visit boats, or meet at the Breakwater Fire place get-together.
Monday May 18
- 0800h Bring your own mug with coffee or tea to the floating breakwater. Refills and breakfast snacks available.
Your hosts
- Vaughan & Rita Balaam on Baraka Bashad
- Cell phone: 250-661-3865