Notice is hereby given to all BCA members:
Annual General Meeting and Election of Directors
Date: Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Time: 1930h (doors open at 1900h)
Location: Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver BC
The business of the AGM will include a review of 2019 YE Financial Statements (BCA’s fiscal year ends on June 30), approval of the Minutes of the 2018 AGM, and operations reports.
There will also be elections for the offices of:
- Commodore
- Vice Commodore
- Secretary, and
- Treasurer
Members interested in any of these positions are invited to submit their names to the Chair of the Nominations Committee, Past Commodore Jennifer Handley. A list of the current Board of Directors can be found on the website; responsibilities of officers is described in the BCA’s Bylaws and Constitution, Part 7 – Duties of Officers.
In addition, the Calgary Chapter, Vancouver Island Chapter and Vancouver Chapter will each respectively present a candidate for election to the office of Chapter Vice Commodore for their chapter.
Voting may be done in person or by proxy. Members who do not receive a Proxy form at their local November Club Night (December Club Night in Calgary) will have the opportunity to submit a Proxy by email.
Please show your commitment to the association by making every effort to attend and/or register your vote. If you have any questions about the AGM, please contact Jennifer Handley, BCA Past Commodore. BCA’s Board of Directors looks forward to hosting the AGM which immediately precedes the Vancouver Christmas Social and Awards Presentation.