As announced in November, Bluewater Cruising Association’s Annual General Meeting will be held at 1930h on Wednesday, December 11 2019 at the Scottish Cultural Centre (8886 Hudson St, Vancouver BC).
In preparation for the AGM, the following documents are available for BCA members in good standing to review at their leisure:
- DRAFT 2018 AGM Minutes
- YE Financial Statements (FY July 1 2018 – June 30 2019)
Nominations have been received for the following Board of Director positions:
- Commodore – David Mitchell
- Secretary – Katrina Barnes
- Treasurer – Don Brown
- Calgary Chapter Vice Commodore – John Kortbeek
- Vancouver Chapter Vice Commodore – Stephen Carlman
Jennifer Handley, Past Commodore, continues to accept nominations for the two remaining vacant positions:
- Vice Commodore
- Vancouver Island Chapter Vice Commodore
Further details about the evening can be found here.