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The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

Vancouver Island Fleet Report: April 2019

Al Kitchen - VI Fleet Coordinator

Huntingford 53 Ketch
April 16th, 2019

The RVYC pasta night was a wonderful way to start our final VI fleet meeting for 2019 and several of the 16 sailors attending partook of the opportunity for a good feed on April 3rd. After the usual upcoming education announcements, Chris Stask again demonstrated his “Show & Tell” prowess with his home made kellets and a short discussion of their value in anchoring as well as a solar powered LED lamp he’d found.

We spent some time online, on the BCA website, demonstrating how to join the various Groups of BCA in general and this year’s VICE in particular. We moved on from there to a presentation on weather routing options and offshore communication devices and how the two topics relate and finished off by looking at a presentation on selecting a wind vane.

We conducted a survey of fleet members on this year’s Fleet night topics and will incorporate the survey results and any suggestions made into next year’s program.

The final decision on location for our VI Fleet Rendezvous was made;  we’ll be gathering at Port Browning on Pender Island over the April 12-14 weekend to check out each other’s boats, climb masts and generally evaluate offshore readiness.

Daragh & I would like to take this opportunity to say what a pleasure it has been to meet our 2018/19 VI Fleet Group and expose them to what has been, at least for the Fleet Coordinators, a valuable learning experience.

Fair winds and following seas!


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