The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

Vancouver Island Fleet Report: March 2021

Al Kitchen - VI Fleet Coordinator

Huntingford 53 Ketch
April 7th, 2021

On March 11, the Zoom meeting of the Vancouver Island Fleet group focussed on safety devices with a presentation and discussion lead by Dan Bieller from Pacific Coast Liferaft. Prior to this James Graham presented the Heylo heat retention cooking bag as a Show & Tell item. Dan then discussed the appropriate sizing and style of a raft as well as other devices including Man Overboard locators. He also volunteered to make an expired raft available for an in-water demonstration which, due to the current protocols, won’t occur until the fall. Al highlighted other devices available for crew safety.

We were then finally able to complete our look at Sail Trim for Offshore (part 2) and closed the night with a list of Checklists to help organize several processes involved in preparation and execution for offshore sailing.

Our last V.I. Fleet meeting of the 2020-21 year will be on April 14. The meeting will be lead by Max Shaw with a presentation about his experiences with Predict Wind weather modelling on Fluenta offshore in the Pacific. Fleet members please note that the 2021 V.I. Fleet Rendezvous has been cancelled.


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