The VI Fleet’s November focus was Provisioning.
We had a great presentation by Brent Alley and Sonia Crawshaw, with additional input from Barb Lyall and Jennifer Handley. Topics included:
- Who Are You Provisioning For?
- Fair Trade for Food
- Factors to Consider When Stocking the Vessel
- Galley Equipment List
- Gimbaled Stove & Harness
- Review Your Cooking Equipment
- Storage
- Stocking
- Menu Planning
- Inventory
- Supplements
- Cautions
- Foul Weather
- Recipes
- Local Foods
The Show and Tell part of the evening included:
- First hand knowledge of how hard it is to see a man overboard pole and a large fender in “sporty” conditions (Campbell).
- Using a Selma Fid for making soft shackles (Devin).
- First hand experience setting off an expired parachute flare (Shawn and Janis).
- Bonus: Virtually meeting Larissa and Duncan’s West African street cat.
This month’s Weather session may have been the first time that the coordinator ran the group from a boat on passage. Max was aboard June, BCA members Peter and Natalie Hunt’s Nautitech catamaran. Using Starlink, Max was able to host the Zoom meeting which included a review of members’ virtual passage from the tropics to New Zealand.
The next Fleet meeting on December 13 will be a panel of returning cruisers.