The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association


Currents is the official newsletter of Bluewater Cruising Association (BCA). All contributions from members are greatly appreciated although the Editor reserves the right to edit all content in accordance with BCA policy. Please send your articles, notices, letters, and images (high resolution) to our Editor.

The Advertising Manager coordinates commercial advertising in Currents, and will provide a schedule of rates and mechanical requirements upon request.

BCA members are automatically subscribed to receive articles and notices on a weekly basis and as a monthly summary. Everyone, members or not, are welcome to subscribe using the box in the footer below. Subscribers can change their subscription preferences, or unsubscribe, using the link at the bottom of every email they receive from Currents.

Visitors to our website are welcome to subscribe to Currents. We hope you enjoy our magazine, and urge you to Like and/or Follow us and/or share content with your friends.  Please browse our website and consider joining us – either as a Regular Member or a Website User.

Opinions stated in Currents, either expressed or implied, are not necessarily those of the Editor or Watchkeepers.  Neither BCA or the Editor assumes responsibility for the accuracy or validity of information printed in Currents.  No part of Currents may be reproduced without the written permission of the Editor or the contributor.