Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson St., Vancouver, BC
21 Nov 2015 1000h to 21 Nov 2015 1700h - This course is sold out
Members $90 / $70 for spouse / Non-Members $110 / $90 for spouse
Kevin Monahan
Learn from a radar expert. After completion of this seminar, students will be able to set up their radars for maximum results and interpret the display under a variety of conditions. You will learn simple techniques to:
• identify land-masses, other vessels and transient targets
• use radar effectively for collision avoidance and navigation,
• interpret and control the display under a variety of conditions,
• recognize and compensate for rain and sea clutter, interference and side-lobe echoes
• use the new generation of integrated radar which combine chart and radar technology
Please Note - this course is sold out