The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

Fifteen Years Offshore! Vancouver Rowing Club Pub Night

Vancouver Rowing Club, Trophy Lounge, Vancouver, BC

17 Apr 2015 1900h  

Members Free / Non-Members Free

Nancy and Stephen Carlman, who joined BCA in 1993, departed BC aboard Fairwyn, their classic Sparkman & Stephens 42 Yawl, for a grand sea adventure. During their 15 years away, they harbour-hopped along the west and east coasts of North America; explored the natural history of the Galapagos Islands; visited warm and welcoming tropical islands, and the not-so-warm but welcoming Maritimes; sailed across the Atlantic Ocean; and soaked up ancient cultures during their years in the Mediterranean.

FAIRWYN in Sicily

Fairwyn in Sicily

Those of you who have followed Fairwyn’s adventures in Currents over the years know what great photojournalists Stephen and Nancy are! Come out to the Vancouver Rowing Club (VRC) Pub Night on Friday, April 17th at 1900h, prepared to be thoroughly entertained and delighted by the Carlman’s adventures.

Stephen and Nancy Carlman toast King Neptune, mid-Atlantic

Stephen and Nancy Carlman toast King Neptune, mid-Atlantic


  1. So looking forward to seeing Nancy and Stephen’s presentation on Friday at the VRC. Looks like it will be a nice evening.

  2. K W. says:

    JOLLY GOOD ! ! !
    never forgetting…….. the most expensive way to travel round ( or half round in this case) the world
    ………………….3rd Class !
    and she be a wooden yacht …..toboot !

  3. Roger Chin says:

    Congratulations to Stephen & Nancy! It was great to see you last year at Winter Cove. Can’t believe we were in the same Fleet but you kept going! Sorry we missed your celebration.
    Fair winds & following seas,

    1. Ah Roger, and you did miss a great presentation! Humourous, to the point, and with great historical information. There were a bunch of BCA members there. It was great to know.

  4. Donna Sassaman says:

    Hope Stephen and Nancy’s presentation was well-attended yesterday evening. And, more to the point, hope they will make the big trip across to Vancouver Island and present in Victoria and/or Nanaimo!

    1. Hi Donna, The Carlman’s presentation was well attended and it was a very nice presentation. We are hoping to book them for a session in Vancouver, so VI and Nanaimo would be a great idea as well.

  5. Rick& Flipper says:

    I sailed on their , I believe 37 ft boat ,on Lake Ontario .Steven was tough and I learned much from his knowledge . It was called akvavit .we had a summer home on Leroy island in sodus bay where we sailed from

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