The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association


Notice of BCA Annual General Meeting and Awards Recognition (2024)

Jennifer Handley

All BCA members in good standing are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday December 5, 2024.  Hosted by BCA’s Commodore, David Mitchell, the meeting will be held via Zoom, starting at 1930h PST / 2030h MST. (Zoom room will open at 1900h PST.) Please demonstrate your commitment to BCA and its […]

Vancouver Fleet Report – October 2024

Cameron McLean, Vancouver Fleet Coordinator

The Vancouver Fleet meeting on October 29 started with Rob Murray’s 5 minute power point presentation on OpenCPN and MBTiles and continued with Preparing Your Boat and Yourselves for Offshore featuring Gio and Julie Capelli, owners of Pelagic Blue Cruising Services. The next meeting will be a Zoom meeting at 1930h on Tuesday, November 26, […]

Currents Cover Photo Contest 2024

It is time for the popular Currents Cover Photo Contest again.  Our monthly “PDF” publication needs great photos to grace its covers for 2025! Your photos should be clearly related to what BCA is all about; thus, although we are keen to see boats, your image may reflect the BCA vision, mission, or values without […]

Vancouver Fleet Report – September Meeting

Cameron McLean, Vancouver Fleet Coordinator

The September meeting of the Vancouver Fleet of 2024-25 on September 24 was a Zoom meeting. The program was a presentation from Heather Marshall. From Oops to Ouch: a Cascade of Calamities On May 17, Heather, while single handing in heavy wind, tore a foresail, wrapped a sheet around her propeller, overfilled her engine oil, almost […]

BCA Cruising, Perpetual And Service Awards Open For Nominations And Applications

It is time once again to recognize our members’ significant cruising achievements and our long-serving volunteers. Ever since the first awards were presented in November 1978, BCA has taken time to acknowledge our members who made it out onto the deep blue seas and the watchkeepers who helped along the way. Think about your own […]

Eight Bells for John Guzzwell, Honorary BCA Member

Barb Peck

John Guzzwell passed away this August at age 94. His book Trekka Round the World describes the extraordinary single-handed circumnavigation he made aboard Trekka, a wooden yawl measuring only 20’6″ which he built in Victoria. For many years Trekka was the smallest boat to have completed such a voyage. His story has inspired many sailors, […]

National Weather Service Soliciting Comments

Do you have an opinion about how wave heights are reported? The National Weather Service is soliciting comments until October 16, 2024 on a proposed change in certain High Seas products. Please see the following email from the Chief of Tropical Analysis and Forecast Branch, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/National Hurricane Center, which includes links to find more details […]

Fleets of BCA

In September of every year a number of members of BCA get together to form the Fleets – one on Vancouver Island, one in Calgary and one on the Lower Mainland. These are people who are planning to leave for offshore in the following year or soon thereafter. They meet monthly or more often depending […]

BC Parks Survey 2024 – Calling all Boaters

A message from BC Parks: Have you visited a BC Park recently? Whether you camped, hiked, biked, boated, or got up to something else, we want to hear from you. BC Parks is committed to protecting and managing the province’s diverse wilderness for future generations, and providing high-quality, safe, outdoor recreation opportunities. To help achieve […]

Responsible Cruising Survey: Results

Environmentally and Socially Responsible Cruising Working Group

Thank you to the 195 BCA members who completed our Responsible Cruising Survey! The response rate of 36% is excellent for a survey like this. It’s clear from the responses that you’re concerned about the effects of climate change on the oceans and on how you cruise, and that you’re taking many deliberate actions to […]