BC Place Stadium and Granville Island Maritime Market and Marina
21 Jan 2015 Wednesday - Saturday: 1000h – 2000h to 25 Jan 2015 1000h – 1700h. Note: The floating show at Granville Island closes daily at 1700h.
Members $3 discount before Jan 20th / Non-Members $3 discount before Jan 20th

Thanks to the many BCA members who have responded to the call for volunteers for the Vancouver International Boat Show (VIBS), and especially to Carol Smith and Sally Holland for their work coordinating BCA’s presence at the show and all the volunteers. While all 76 shifts have been filled, we need to have a back-up list as there will inevitably be a few volunteers who are unexpectedly unable to fulfill their commitment. If you are willing to be a back-up volunteer, or if you have any questions about BCA’s participation in the Boat Show, please contact Jennifer Handley, BCA Commodore.
For those of you who are not able to volunteer, I hope you can get an early start on the cruising season and your boat wish list by attending the Show! And if you do, be sure to drop by the BCA booth at BC Place (# 85) and SV Ultegra on Granville Island (slip # H9). The Boat Show gives BCA a great opportunity to connect with those who are thinking about going offshore and to introduce them to the Association, our chapters, and our programs. And it gives us a great opportunity to get to know each other better, too.
If you still need a reason to attend, there is also a large contingent of BCA members who are part of the VIBS seminar series this year – please consider taking a break from the show and attend one of their presentations. Speakers who are BCA members include:
- Anders Lonnqvist – Lessons Learned, Seamanship Skills
- Ryan Shellborn & Kris Jones – The Reality of Leaving – Sailing to San Francisco
- Michael Walsh – Carefree on the European Canals AND Cape Horn in Comfort and Style
- Pamela Bendall – What was I Thinking? Adventures of a Woman Sailing Solo
- Beth & Norm Cooper – Preparing Your Boat for Offshore
- Ken Gillstrom – Transitting the Panama Canal AND Cruising the Galapagos AND Reducing the Anxiety in Boating
- Jennifer Handley & Campbell Good – Offshore Cruising: The Dream Lives Here
You can buy tickets online and receive a $3.00 discount if you buy before January 20th
Details about their presentations can be found on the VIBS website. Also be sure to check the VIBS website for general information about the show.