Online Zoom
18 Jan 2025 0900h - 1200h to 19 Jan 2025
Members $115.00 includes book / Non-Members $130.00 includes book
VI Education Watchkeepers

The Vancouver Island Chapter is pleased to announce this online Zoom course which is open to all BCA members and non-members!
Spend two mornings online with instructor-extraordinaire and radar expert, Kevin Monahan. After completion of this seminar, participants will be able to set up their radar for maximum results and interpret the display under a variety of conditions. Participants will learn simple techniques to:
- Identify landmasses, other vessels, and transient targets
- Use radar effectively for collision avoidance
- Understand the new generation of AIS and integrated radar systems which combine chart and radar technology
- Manage and understand the issues inherent in modern integrated navigation systems; and
- Recognize and compensate for rain and sea clutter, interference, and side-lobe echoes
Registration fee includes The Radar Book: Effective Navigation and Collision Avoidance. This excellent book is used in the United States and Canada Power Squadron marine radar seminars, and also by RCM-SAR. The book retails for $24.95. There is a reduction in course registration fee for those who already own the book.
Course Format
Each two hour presentation will be followed by ½ hour of questions. Register for the course and we’ll send the Zoom link to you a couple of days ahead of time.
About the Instructor
Kevin Monahan is a retired Canadian Coast Guard officer with more than 20 years navigating the British Columbia coast as a patrol vessel captain. He has also worked on fishing boats, ferries, and coastal transports. Retiring from public service in 2012, Kevin now splits his time between publishing (Ports and Passes, The Radar Book, etc.) and teaching nautical subjects to commercial and recreational mariners. In 2013 he was awarded the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Medal.