CFB Esquimalt Wardroom, 1586 Esquimalt Rd, Esquimalt, BC
01 Mar 2025 0900h - 1200h
Members $50.00 / Non-Members $65.00
Scott Crawshaw

An understanding of basic weather is an important attribute of seamanship. Renowned mariner, instructor and BCA member Scott Crawshaw facilitates this 1/2 day workshop that will introduce cruisers to the fundamentals of weather, enable them to combine weather forecasts (VHF) with personal observation, and relate it to their immediate situation. Participants will learn relevant information that will build their confidence and help ensure their enjoyment and safety at sea in both foul and fair weather.
If this sounds like a tall order for a 3-hour course, that’s because you’ve probably never taken a course from Scott before. He not only knows his stuff, he knows how to teach it.
Topics Covered
Course participants will be introduced to the fundamentals of weather, which include:
- Air Circulation Patterns
- Pressure, Temperature and Moisture
- Air Masses; Fronts and Cyclogenesis
- Fog, Clouds and Precipitation
- Interpreting Weather Maps; and
- Sources of Local Weather
Note: Please do not register for this course if you have already signed up for or intend to take Scott’s Intermediate Weather Course as Basic Marine Weather is included as part of that course.
Scott Crawshaw has sailed for over 40 years and has over 50,000 miles of ocean water experience. This includes skippering the Royal Canadian Navy’s Tall Ship, HMCS Oriole and four years of offshore sailing with his family aboard Peregrinata. His qualifications include a Transport Canada Master Mariner, unlimited tonnage; a Navy Surface Command Qualification, unlimited tonnage; an ISPA instructor, a CYA Yachtmaster, and a CRYA Ocean Yachmaster Instructor.
He has sailed extensively in the Pacific, twice to Australia and five times to and from Hawaii. He has participated in a number of international yacht races including four Victoria to Maui International Yacht Races where he was the winning skipper of the 2000 race and is the corrected time record holder. In addition, he has competed in numerous Swiftsure races and a Van-Isle 360. From 2002-2006 he cruised with his wife and two daughters down the coast of the Americas and across the South Pacific, including the Galapagos, to Australia.
Scott has a degree in Physics and Physical Oceanography from Royal Roads Military College. He lives in Victoria, with his wife Sonia, and, recently retired from the RCN, has become a full time grandpa.