17 Feb 2024 1000h-1430h
Members $75 / Non-Members $85
David West

Have you ever looked at your engine with distrust? Does your engine seem to have a mind of its own? Join us for a morning presentation to improve your understanding of inspecting and maintaining your boat’s engine and banish those concerns!
Course Information
This will be a concentrated presentation aboard a BCA member’s boat. It is intended for people who own and maintain their own boat’s engine and want to gain a better understanding, including proper inspection and maintenance, in preparing you for offshore cruising. Topics to be covered include:
- Fuel System
- Air System
- Cooling System
- Lubrication System
- Exhaust System
- Electrical System
- Belts and Pulleys
- Engine Mounts
- Transmission
- General Inspection
About the Instructor
David West is a highly experienced and knowledgeable diesel mechanic, with over 40 years of experience. He is an instructor who comes highly recommended by students who have attended his courses.