The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

Lessons Learned Along the Way

Royal Canadian Legion, 606 - 38 Ave NE Calgary, AB

14 Apr 2015 1930h

Members $20 / Non-Members $25

Nigel Calder

Nigel Calder takes a look at lessons learned over four decades of boating including being run down in the North Sea, building and living aboard canal boats in England, and a succession of cruising boats named ‘Nada’ that he and his family have sailed around the Caribbean and northern Europe. In the process, Nigel will provide an overview of what’s involved in maintaining critical boat systems and how to cope when they fail. This presentation goes beyond mechanical breakdowns and maintenance to include Nigel’s personal experiences dealing with officialdom, chart accuracy (or lack thereof), anchoring, pests, seasickness and medical emergencies.

Come hear Nigel poke fun at himself as he recounts how he (and his family) learned from those mishaps and misadventures that ultimately led to him becoming the technical expert he is today.

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