Granville Island Hotel - Quarterdeck Room, 1253 Johnston Street, Granville Island, Vancouver, BC
11 Apr 2015 1400h - 1700h - This course is sold out
Members $60 / Non-Members $75
Nigel Calder

Do-it-yourself Diesel Engine Maintenance, Optimization and Troubleshooting
If properly installed and maintained, modern diesel engines are remarkably reliable. In this seminar we will look at core installation issues that will eliminate many potential problems; basic maintenance; and troubleshooting the most common operating problems. Topics will include:
- A minimum of theory
- Often overlooked critical installation issues
- Core maintenance and how to do it
- Testing cranking and charging circuits
- Techniques for starting recalcitrant engines
- Overheating engines
- Troubleshooting miscellaneous engine problems
- Optimizing engine use to minimize run time and maintenance
This seminar requires no prior knowledge. It will help you to understand your own engine, and to save money by doing your own maintenance and nipping many common problems in the bud.
Please Note - this course is sold out