The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

VI Mid-Island Club Night – Sailing to the Heart of Japan

Nanaimo Yacht Club, 400 Newcastle Ave, Nanaimo

16 Jan 2025 1900h -2130h

Members $5 / Non-Members $10

Kate Swangard

Nick Coghlan had been curious about Japan ever since his father, a veteran of infantry fighting in Italy and Greece, confessed to him a dread of being sent to the Japanese front when the war in Europe ended in the Spring of 1945.

Finding themselves in New Zealand aboard their Vancouver 27 – Bosun Bird – Nick and his partner Jenny decided to indulge that curiosity by sailing north through the islands of the western Pacific where memories of the war still linger, to the islands of Japan.

This is no ordinary cruising destination. The formalities can be baffling and almost every bay has a fishing harbour at its head, which means you rarely have the opportunity to anchor; typhoons are a real risk. But the hospitality offered to the very few foreign “yottos” that venture to these waters is astounding, and cruising the bucolic and depopulated islands of the Inland Sea offers a rare glimpse of old Japan.

Nick and Jenny will briefly describe their approach via Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands and Micronesia, but their presentation will focus principally on their fifteen months in Japan.

Nick is the author of three sailing books: Winter in Fireland; Sailing to the Heart of Japan; and (coming up in 2025) Under Wide and Starry Skies: Fifty Sailing Destinations in Seas Less Travelled. Nick and Jenny maintain a sailing blog at  Nick will have a few copies of ‘Sailing to the Heart of Japan’ available for sale ($25) at club night.

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