The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

Vancouver Club Night - Mexico to Australia: a Two Year Plan

Scottish Cultural Centre
, 8886 Hudson Street
, Vancouver, BC

14 Jan 2015 1900h – 2200h  

Members $5 / Non-Members $10

The dream of sailing to the South Pacific is a powerful one – tall swaying palms over clear turquoise water on remote tropical islands. This is Sarah and Will Curry’s story of how they chose to set aside two years of their normal life to make their dream a reality: One year in Mexico preparing Hydroquest for offshore, and one season (seven months) to sail across the Pacific with a final plan to sell her in Australia. In this seminar Sarah and Will will answer questions for aspiring adventurers such as:

  • How different is the cruising lifestyle?
  • What’s it really like to be at sea for nineteen days (our longest leg)?
  • What are some of the ‘don’t miss’ South Pacific destinations?
  • What were the biggest challenges?
  • Is two years really enough time?

Sarah and Will began talking about an offshore sailing adventure on their first date eight years ago. Despite their similar backgrounds (both from the North Shore and grew up boating in Desolation Sound), they had very different sailing résumés. Will received his first BCA Offshore Award as a teenager after a sailing trip with his family, but Sarah didn’t know the difference between a sheet and a halyard! Luckily, being a dreamer counts the most. Will and Sarah are both now hooked on cruising and work together in the Curry family business, Hydrovane International Marine.


  1. Rosario says:

    Very interested in this presentation. Will there be a question /answer period?

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