The 2015 Member Directory will be printed and mailed in the next few months. To ensure that your entries in the directory are current and accurate, make it one of your New Year’s resolutions to check your BCA website information today! If you are new to BCA, or have experienced any changes over the past […]
The January meeting will be on Tuesday the 27th and will cover boat electrics presented by John Neilson. The Fleet meets at 1900h at the Scottish Cultural Centre on the fourth Tuesday of the month, September to November, and then January to June. If you would like to join the Fleet, show up at one of the regular […]
The Fleet’s next meeting is scheduled for January 14th at 6:30 pm in the Chatham Room at Royal Victoria Yacht Club. The topic is “The Ultimate Shakedown Cruise” from Victoria to Hawaii and return in 2 months. The topic of the January 28th Fleet meeting is ‘OpenCPN’ – installing and using this open source chartplotter and GPS […]
As you may have learned by now, I let my name stand at the 2014 AGM for the position of BCA Secretary and was elected by acclamation. Although Currents has been my ‘baby’ on and off since 2002, I have had to resign from the editor job, effective ASAP, because of my current commitment/work load. We are […]
Welcome to the first instalment to BCA’s new online Currents. Content will continue to be streamed throughout the month. We appreciate that this is a new experience for you, and that receiving content online, and in chunks is different from receiving the magazine as a whole, finished product. We have set initial subscriptions for all […]