Many hands make light work!
It’s August. Many of us are taking advantage of the northwest winds and sunny weather to cruise along the fabulous BC coast, or to begin our offshore adventures.
Although I don’t really want to rush the end of summer, next month does herald the start of autumn. For me, September seems more like the beginning of a new year than January. Perhaps that sense of beginning is due to many years spent in school, first as a student and then as a teacher. September always offers the promise of a fresh start and the possibility of improvement over the previous year. So it is with Bluewater Cruising Association’s new year of education, fleet, rendezvous, club nights… and volunteering opportunities!
This article is an invitation to you to volunteer this coming year. BCA is a volunteer-run organization so it needs members to assist with administration and the delivery of services and programs. In exchange for their time and energy, volunteers benefit from involvement in their Chapter’s management and receive free entry into club nights. Some positions even have their own burgees for the incumbents to display at rendezvous and other BCA events.
Here are the current BCA vacancies. Please give serious thought to applying for one of these essential (and exciting) positions.
BCA Board of Directors
BCA Vice Commodore. The Board of Directors is seeking a member with administrative abilities to serve as Vice Commodore.
Tasks include:
- Serves as the Commodore’s delegate as needed.
- Works closely with the Commodore and key advisers to review and update key policies and practices as needed.
- Is responsible for organizing the Annual General Meeting.
Note: This position generally leads to the incumbent assuming the position of Commodore; however, it is not a requirement of the position.
Please contact Commodore Leslie Hansen regarding the BCA Vice Commodore position.
Calgary Chapter
Education. The Calgary Chapter requires the services of a life-long learner to organise its education program!
Tasks include:
- Coordinates with the Fleet Coordinator to identify educational priorities.
- Schedules educational events during the fall and spring, based on identified priorities.
- Promotes workshops and courses at club nights and through Currents and emails.
Speaker. The Calgary Chapter seeks a member who attends club nights regularly and looks forward to the presentations!
Tasks include:
- Develops a database of potential speakers, with an emphasis on specific cruising areas, specific passages and adventures, and voyage planning and navigation.
- Liaises with Speakers Watchkeepers in other chapters re potential speakers.
- Contacts and schedules potential speakers.
- Obtains a title and description for each scheduled presentation, presenters’ cruising background, and photos to help promote the presentation, and forwards these to the Communications Watchkeeper.
- Arranges with the Calgary Treasurer for an honorarium for each presenter, and reimbursement of travel expenses when necessary.
- Arranges accommodation for out-of-town presenters, as needed.
Vancouver Chapter
Communications. This position provides communications support to the Chapter’s membership through email, PowerPoint, posters, and the BCA website.
Tasks include:
- Creates and emails a poster monthly promoting club night.
- Maintains the mailing list for club night monthly promotion.
- Sends out emails to all Chapter members re club night and reminders of same.
- Posts club night events to the BCA website.
- Drafts club night events for publication in Currents.
- Creates PowerPoint with announcements for club night.
- Promotes Chapter activities to other yacht clubs.
Membership. This position is instrumental in increasing the membership of the Chapter as well as that of the Association in general.
Tasks include:
- Sends a personalized email to new members, welcoming them to the Chapter and BCA.
- Introduces new members to the other Watchkeepers at club nights (e.g., Fleet Coordinator, Education Watchkeeper).
- Encourages new members to join the Facebook group and website groups.
- Encourages new members to set up their boat information, partner information, and blogs on the website.
- Facilitates membership sales at club nights and events such as Rendezvous.
Vancouver Island Chapter
Membership. This position is instrumental in increasing the membership of the Chapter as well as that of the Association in general.
Tasks include:
- Sends a personalized email to new members, welcoming them to the Chapter and BCA.
- Introduces new members to the other Watchkeepers at club nights (e.g., Fleet Coordinator, Education Watchkeeper).
- Encourages new members to join the Facebook group and website groups.
- Encourages new members to set up their boat information, partner information, and blogs on the website.
- Facilitates membership sales at club nights and events such as Rendezvous.
Secretary. The VI Chapter needs a chapter secretary. If you have good listening, computer, and email skills, this position is for you!
Tasks include:
- Emails request for monthly reports one week prior to the Watchkeepers’ meeting.
- Compiles reports into meeting agenda.
- Sends agenda at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
- Attends the meeting and take minutes.
- Finalises minutes and sends to the Watch soon after the meeting.
Treasurer. The VI Chapter requires a member with knowledge of basic accounting and the ability to ensure monthly reporting of the financial status, and ongoing financial activities, to both the Victoria Chapter Watch and BCA’s central office.
Tasks include:
- Maintains account records.
- Maintains the cheque register.
- Records and reports income and expenses by maintaining monthly reports.
- Maintains the accounting spreadsheet for the Chapter.
- Receives cheque requisitions for expenses, ensures that appropriate invoices and receipts are provided, writes cheques, and submits for co-signature.
Interested? Next Steps
Full job descriptions for the above positions can be obtained from me, your friendly neighbourhood BCA Volunteer Coordinator.
Please let your Chapter Vice Commodore know of your interest to serve in the applicable chapter position by emailing:
- CALGARY: Cathy Norrie
- VANCOUVER: Blair Tweten
- VANCOUVER ISLAND (Victoria): Ralph Lapp
Finally, if you haven’t already done so, please complete the online Volunteer Form, which will give the Association details about your talents and interests! (Helpful hint: at the end of the form, where there’s a math problem to complete, request a new math question.)
Here’s to fall and new beginnings!
Thank you.