At the Vancouver Island Club night we had the opportunity to learn about BC Marine Trails (BCMT). We’ve asked the presenter, Karina Younk to write an article for us so that other BCA members can learn about this non-profit organization that is working to help secure long term public access to the BC Coast. As stated on their website, their “mission is to work with First Nations and stakeholders to build, protect and promote a public network of marine trails allowing recreational navigation of the BC coastline with minimal impact on the environment.”
While we are waiting for that article, we wanted to share a more time-sensitive piece of information: BCMT is holding a silent auction to raise funds for their conservation and stewardship efforts. The auction runs from October 4 – 31. As you might expect from a group that has many kayakers, most of the items are related to paddling and spending time in the environments that all of us B.C. boaters love.
You can find the auction here: