The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

BCA 2018 Member Directory has arrived!

Katrina Barnes

Miss Zelda
May 7th, 2018

The 2018 edition of the Bluewater Cruising Association (BCA) Member Directory is arriving in the mailboxes of members from Vancouver Island to Calgary and beyond – have you received yours?

The Member Directory is a great way to learn more about BCA, meet the 2018 Watchkeepers and Board of Directors, and most importantly to connect with other BCA members. You may choose to keep your copy on your boat so that when you pull in to an anchorage and see another vessel proudly flying the BCA burgee, you can look them up in your Member Directory and connect with new friends!

Also included in the Member Directory is a helpful article on “How to Navigate” by Jean Baillargeon that can assist you in getting the most from the website, including editing your profile, signing up for courses and events, and being part of the online community by participating in BCA forums.

In order to keep the directory up to date, if you experience a change over the year, such as a new name, new boat… please update your information on the BCA website, My Profile, Manager Profile; or email your changes to Vimmy Dhillon.

If you have not received your Directory by May 11, 2018 but believe you should have, please email Vimmy, our BCA Administrator at to ensure your membership is up to date.

The Member Directory is published thank to the efforts of many, including our returning Directory Coordinator, Rhonda Schuller, and new Coordinator, Bob Wheeldon, as well as many more including Guylain Roy-Machabee, Peter Masteron, Jennifer Handley, Donna Sassaman, Vimmy Dhillon and Linda Mitsui. If you are interested in volunteering with a passionate group of talented individuals, please see your local Watchkeepers at the next Club Night in your area.


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