The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

BCA – VI Education Program Winter/Spring 2018

Lionel Dobson and Barbara Erickson

Sea Whisper
Fraser 50 Ketch
January 17th, 2018

What New Year’s Resolutions have you made? Most likely, some of the more important ones are projects on your boat in preparation for the 2018 cruising season or getting ready to sail over the horizon. Perhaps another is to take a couple of BCA’s boating / maintenance related courses. Now is the perfect time to sign up for any or all of the following offered by the Vancouver Island chapter.

FEBRUARY: Terry Sparks delivers his popular Icom M802: Starting From Scratch workshop on Feb 17. How to set up your SSB radio for optimum performance. How to use Sailmail and your Pactor Modem. SSB radio was one of our most useful items when we were cruising; the social interaction with other cruisers and the valuable information passed on is endless whether locally, or joining a cruising net for the long passages. The Icom 802 is the bench mark.

MARCH: Kevin Monahan returns for a reprise of his Basic Marine Radar course on March 10, this time in Nanaimo.  Blackline Marine has confirmed March 17 for another Fibreglass Repair course. This course sold out quickly in the fall (with 8 people on the waiting list) so sign up early.

APRIL: BCA Lifetime member, Rick Ellis, facilitates his Docking Strategies course in two parts on April 7 and 28. Well worth taking to enhance your docking skills and make life easier for everyone. Another big draw this month is Scott Crawshaw’s Basic Marine Weather and Intermediate Weather courses on April 14-15. Scott is flying out from the UK to present the courses as well as visit family. His credentials are impecable and his courses always get rave reviews.

MAY: is a busy month with Blackline’s Standing and Running Rigging workshop on May 5 (note this course is already almost sold out). Kevin Monahan is booked to deliver Understanding Tides and Currents on May 12 (especially helpful for those staying closer to home or cruising up north) and Weather Strategies for the Inside Passage on May 13. A definite must if you have your sights set on The Broughtons, Port Hardy and Alaska.

Lastly, May 11-13 is also the annual Mid-Island Sail Training (MIST) weekend, an on-the-water event based out of Nanaimo, coordinated by Rob Dodge, with guest presenter Cresswell Walker.

There you have it. Put Education at the top of your list this year.  Even though you no doubt have some experience it is always a bonus to review and see how others can help you understand more; the benefits are endless! Avoid the disappointment of missing a course you wanted to take or having to wait till next year: register today!

For further information about other BCA courses being offered, check the website calendar.


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