The BCA Calgary fleet continued their season with an April 24 meeting conducting a weather research activity. For novice and experienced offshore sailors alike, the opportunity to spend time finding and learning how to use some of the most valuable and recent weather resources is a valuable skill to learn and keep fresh.

Calgary Fleet member Joel Fox helps other members with the weather activity
Before jumping into the weather activity, we started the meeting with an update from Heather Marshall on the W.O.W event she attended earlier in the month. Hearing first hand from an W.O.W attendee generated even more interest amongst those of us who were not able to attend this year. Congratulations to the WOW organizers for a successful event – and I’m sure you can expect even more Calgary participants in the future, based on Heather’s reviews and the interest it generated.
For this month’s fleet weather activity, Joel Fox was our facilitator and set out with the objectives of providing practical, hands on experience finding the weather resources you need, how to do advanced weather planning before you are offshore, and some of the practical ways to keep your weather information up to date once you’ve started a long passage or will be without reliable internet for an extended period. Working in groups, participants were able to get hands on experience with weather resources they might not have used before, but also sharing the knowledge within the group on various tips and tricks to use that have proved helpful and effective for other members of fleet.

Group work on the weather research activity, an opportunity for everyone to learn something new
The group sharing and mentoring is one of the most valuable aspects of fleet and our weather research activity was a great example of how we learn from and build on each other’s experience – all towards the common goal of getting the most of our offshore sailing plans. For those BCA members who have considered joining fleet, the next Calgary meeting is on May 15th and we’d love to have you! Contact for more details.