At BCA, one of our goals is to encourage members to head off-shore. With that in mind, I say bravo to Rosario Passos, as she prepares to set sail aboard Counting Stars with her partner Denis Heinrichs. At BCA we also want to continue publishing a high quality magazine for our members to enjoy, so in keeping with that situation, I say, well darn, as Currents is losing our excellent long-time Managing Editor.
For the last couple of years I have been an Assistant Editor and am taking over for Rosario as Managing Editor. Fortunately, Currents is a team effort; along with Jennifer Handley, Nick Ward and Sally Holland, Rosario has said she will also help out as she can. However, one of the problems of promoting from within is that we could now use someone to replace me. If you have an interest in editing and are wondering about what that role might entail, send me an email at I’ll be happy to fill you in and promise to not twist your arm.
Rosario has been working with Currents for many years and took over from Donna Sassaman as Managing Editor in 2015. During her tenure, she helped guide Currents through (what I imagine to be) reef-infested waters to become a digital magazine. I just have to say, thank goodness I wasn’t taking over at that time! Rosario has been a cheerful and patient “boss”, and has been very helpful in orienting me, both as an assistant and as I take on this new role. With her support and that of the rest of the Currents team, I will do my best to fill the large deck shoes Rosario has left behind.
Finally, a heartfelt thank you, Rosario, for all of your hard work and years of service to Currents and BCA. Oh yes, one other thing: we’ll be expecting some articles soon from you and Denis!
Fair winds Rosario! Heather and I look forward to a few updates. A special thanks to you for encouraging us to write the series “Memories of a Circumnavigation”. Best wishes. Hugh
Safe sails Rosario and Dennis! Thank you so much for all of your hard work. I look forward to reading all about your adventures.
Congratulations, Barb, and fair winds and thank you, Rosario and Dennis for your friendship and all your work for BCA!! We are looking forward to cruising vicariously through your anticipated accounts of high adventure and future Club Night presentations!
It’s been a honor getting to know you both Rosario & Denis! Hope your long anticipated cruising life is as awesome as it can be! A lifetime of memories await you 😄
Fair winds and following seas, Rosario and Dennis, from all of us in the VI Mid-Island Group. We are lucky to have both Jennifer and Barb here on the Island where they are regular supporters and contributors to BCA. Your ‘baby’ is in good hands, Rosario, so enjoy your adventure and just remember to come back to us!
Enjoy Rosario and thank you for all your help. Congratulations Barb!
Dear Rosario and Denis, Enjoy, enjoy every minute of your offshore adventure! Bill and I sailed offshore from 1990 – 1993 and experienced magic, community, three long passages that provided both boredom and delight (no terror!), and memories that have lasted over the decades since.
Barb, I left the Currents editor position when it switched from paper to digital. Not a techie, moi! Rosario was the woman for the job. Glad that you are moving into the position. Best wishes with it.
Fair winds, friends,
Rosario and Dennis, good luck on your adventure. It takes a lot of determination and hard work to finally untie that line from the dock. That is the hardest part, now you can enjoy the fruits of your labours. Rosario, thanks for keeping us all informed through Currents. Well done, and I hope we see some articles about your trip!
Fair winds, Rosario & Dennis! Thanks for all your hard work over the years, and hope you have a great voyage south. We look forward to catching up with you somewhere south next year.
Long time coming, but you are now “doers”! Big congrats! Not always easy, or pretty, but cruising will enrich and change you. Look forward to your updates, and sharing an Anchorage with you in Mexico.
Marilyn and Glen