The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

Currents’ New Editing Team!

Donna Sassaman

Spencer 44
December 29th, 2014

As you may have learned by now, I let my name stand at the 2014 AGM for the position of BCA Secretary and was elected by acclamation. Although Currents has been my ‘baby’ on and off since 2002, I have had to resign from the editor job, effective ASAP, because of my current commitment/work load.

We are all busy people, whether holding down jobs, and/or raising children, and/or preparing to go offshore, and/or giving back to our communities through volunteerism. To make it easier for members to give back to the BCA community, the Currents Committee opted to establish a team of editors, each with a discrete set of responsibilities. We have filled four of the five positions already!

  1. Managing Editor: Rosario Passos, who has assumed responsibility for ensuring consistent formatting, final edits, writing editorials, and publishing content to the Currents site;
  2. Member Submissions Editor: June Lazenby, who has assumed editing responsibility for letters, postcards, and articles;
  3. Photo Editor: Jean Baillargeon, who is responsible for ensuring images are of a suitable quality and format for publication, and enhancing images as needed;
  4. Copy Editor: Sally Holland has been our proofreader par excellence for several years and is continuing in the role.

Thank you, Rosario, June, Jean, and Sally!

We are still in need of a BCA News Editor, who will be responsible for editing Top Currents, Club Night items, Fleet reports, BCA ‘Help Wanted’ ads, and Education reports.

If you are a grammar hound, a good speller, and can spot a typo at 30 paces, you have the makings to be a great editor! If you are a blogger, you have skills and experience that are easily transferable to the job of Currents editor in our now-digital age! The editorial skills are essential; the digital skills can be learned as part of the orientation to the job. (Note: I’m not particularly technologically savvy but have had fun putting together this first digital Currents.)

And, good news for modern editors! These jobs can be done anywhere in the world, requiring only reliable Internet access.

I have enjoyed serving as editor from 2002 – 2003, 2005 – 2008, and from 2012 to the present. Now is an exciting time for the editorial team to take on the various roles and help shape Currents as a digital publication.

Please let me know if you are interested and available to assume the BCA News Editor position. You will have the eCurrents Transition Team to support you in the technical aspects and you will have me to mentor and support you in the editorial aspects.

Contributors: Please check out the ‘Story Ideas’ page for content and photo guidelines. Thank you in advance for your submissions, which you can send to the Editor.

Wishing you wonderful adventures in 2015!

Donna Sassaman

on behalf of the Currents Editorial Team




  1. Cam says:

    Great work on this first edition!

  2. Guylain says:

    Donna and the eCurrents team: well done!!!

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