The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

Vancouver Fleet Report – April 2023

Cameron and Marianne McLean, Vancouver Fleet Coordinators

Seabird 37
May 17th, 2023

The April meeting of the Vancouver Fleet at 1930h on April 25 was held in Zoom and covered the topic: Anchoring and Communication – A Discussion with Dick Townsend, Ken Robertson and Cameron McLean.

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Denis Heinrichs found a Starlink antenna mount for $85. Janet McKeown bought a micro thermal printer – Peripage found on Amazon for $165 that will print legal sized paper and comes with one roll of thermal print paper. This is ideal if printing is an occasional need only. Heather shared her nesting pots by Ingenio, with a separate stainless steel click-on handle, all of which take up little space in the galley. Anne Woodson has used similar pots for years as well and vouched for their quality and usefulness.

Up to the present, the Vancouver Fleet meetings have been hosted in Zoom only, rather than being hosted in a hybrid format, such as the meetings being held by the Vancouver Chapter. The number of Vancouver Fleet members wishing to attend in person has been insufficient to warrant a hybrid meeting.

It is hoped that events such as the Solstice potluck meeting held on December 18, 2022 and the upcoming June barbecue that will be held at Spruce Harbour Marina on June 27, in addition to the extra Zoom time before and after meetings, enable adequate interaction between Fleet members.

The next meeting of the Vancouver fleet will be on May 30, covering the topic of Boat Insurance with Sean Thompson of Dolphin Insurance.


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