The Fleet program for January was a meeting aboard Endless Song at the Vancouver International Boat Show hosted by owners Darrell and David Farrow.
David reported a great turnout, with 18 folk aboard at one point. It was cozy, but not overpacked. There was a great interchange among current voyagers and dreamers and planners, and a brief address by BCA Commodore, David Mitchell, was well received.
The February 27 Fleet meeting will feature Gary Peacock and Karina McQueen (Sea Rover II) about their voyage to Chile and Patagonia, and the March 26 meeting will feature Denis Heinrichs and Rosario Passos (Counting Stars) on their recent Baja Ha-Ha passage.
All BCA members have received a request for information re offshore packages. If you are planning to leave this year send your information to Cam McLean. The deadline to apply is April 30.