The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

Vancouver Fleet Report – March 2023

Cameron and Marianne McLean, Vancouver Fleet Coordinators

Seabird 37
April 3rd, 2023

The March meeting of the Vancouver Fleet of 2023 was a Zoom meeting at 1930h on Tuesday, March 28, featuring Dr. Janet McKeown on Medical First Aid Offshore. As usual, the virtual meeting opened at 1900h to give Fleet members some time for informal chat.

New BCA members Blair and Sharon Fraser introduced themselves. They live aboard a Kelly Peterson 44 at Shelter Island Marina.

Show and Tell

Mark Jeffrey gave us the email address of a local machinist and showed us his new boat-sized guitar. Patty Kennedy showed her pulse and oxygen reading device for her medical kit. Patty also got her Ham radio license. Kit Griffin talked about Evolution Sails and having his sails cleaned. Denis Heinrichs and Rosario Passos showed the group their offshore medical kit, which they got last year for free from another BCA member. A few items need to be refreshed, but it is a very complete kit to handle offshore medical emergencies.

Dr. Janet McKeown went over some of the kinds of medical emergencies that can happen while sailing offshore, and reviewed the items that should be in a medical kit to be able to respond to those emergencies. While some of these medical issues can be quite simple, such as small cuts, abrasions and bruises, some more complex situations might arise. It is good to have a medical kit prepared to respond to more serious injuries, such as sprains, fractures and lacerations. She also shared a list of recommended medical supplies, including prescription medications, that should be part of an offshore medical kit.

Up to the present, the Vancouver Fleet meetings have been hosted in Zoom only, rather than being hosted in a hybrid format, such as the meetings being held by the Vancouver Chapter. The number of Vancouver Fleet members wishing to attend in person has been insufficient to warrant a hybrid meeting.

It is hoped that events such as the Solstice potluck meeting held on December 18, 2022 and the upcoming June barbecue that will be held at Spruce Harbour Marina on June 27, in addition to the extra Zoom time before and after meetings, enable adequate interaction between Fleet members.

The next meeting of the Vancouver fleet will be on April 25. The program is yet to be determined.


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