The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

Vancouver Fleet Report: September 2017

Cameron and Marianne McLean, Vancouver Fleet Coordinators

Seabird 37
October 12th, 2017

The first meeting of the Vancouver Fleet of 2018 was held at 1900 hours on Tuesday, September 27 at the Scottish Cultural Centre, hosted by Cameron and Marianne McLean, BCA Fleet Representatives. There were twenty five in attendance, including the presenters.

After welcoming the Fleet and mutual introductions, Cameron described the Fleet committees explaining that these committees were the core of the Fleet. The volunteers for the positions would determine the programs and functions for the year.

There were reports of progress for the members of the Fleet of 2017 who had recently set out on their offshore voyages. Some boats were in San Francisco, Monterey and other California ports. All reporting successful voyages as they headed down the coast.

Cameron had a number of recommendations for things to do well ahead of time in preparation for cruising offshore:

  • local sailing experience – around Vancouver Island, VICE, etc.
  • learning Spanish
  • installing a SSB radio
  • registering one’s boat if not already
  • visiting a travel clinic for vaccinations

Ken Robertson described a night trip in the Mediterranean in close contact with a number of large vessels emphasizing how important was his AIS in avoiding collisions.

The Presentations

The first of the presenters for the night were Glen and Marilyn Middleton of Avanga and formerly Tin Soldier, veterans of four ocean voyages in three different boats. They moved from monohulls to a catamaran and described the characteristics of both types. Their latest boat has been cruising in the Caribbean and rode out the most recent hurricane there.

The presenters at the first Fleet meeting of 2017. From left to right: Karina McQueen from Sea Rover II, Rob Murray from Avant and Marilyn and Glen Middleton from Avanga

Cameron did a presentation on behalf of Mags and Gord Wellwood of  Kanilela who had already headed back to their boat in Panama.

Karina McQueen of Sea Rover II described improvements made to the stern of Sea Rover II aimed at making access easier. This was done efficiently and at a good price in Mexico. While in Mexico they took part in numerous BURPs, meeting many BCA members down there. They will be leaving Mexico heading straight for the Galapagos in December.

Rob Murray of Avant cautioned about the “must have list”. He and Debra have cruised extensively with minimal equipment, his motto being “If you don’t have it, it won’t break.” Rob highlighted the importance of taking Education courses prior to leaving.

The next meeting is scheduled for October 24.


  1. Jane Goundrey says:

    Hi Cam
    I could bring in a handout of apps that people can use to learn Spanish and talk a little bit about the pros and cons of using them
    Also a little bit about courses and computer programs
    And Kathy Parsons book too.
    If considered useful I could also talk a little bit about temporarily importing a boat into Mexico – getting one’s “TIP”
    Jane Goundrey

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