The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

Vancouver Island Fleet Report – February 2023

Al Kitchen – VI Fleet Coordinator

Huntingford 53 Ketch
March 4th, 2023

The presenters at the February Vancouver Island Fleet meeting were a tribute to the success of past Fleet experiences. Debbie and Rob Warren met with our group to share their experiences in the past year sailing their Saga 43, Northern Star I, from the Chesapeake Bay area to Portugal via the Bahamas, Bermuda, and the Azores with the help of other past Fleet participants including Rob Boeckh, Gary Bishop, and Daragh Nagle. Debbie (former V.I. Vice Commodore) was a highlight with her presentation on weather routing for offshore sailors with an emphasis on using Predict Wind as a routing tool.

Debbie’s presentation was followed by past V.I. Fleet coordinator, Bjarne Hansen who explained Batteries and their Charging and Control Devices. Bjarne’s history as an electrical engineer and experienced offshore sailor meant that his teaching skills were well suited to address the audience, many of whom may be searching for the most appropriate system to power their floating dream home.

Our hybrid approach continues to satisfy the educational needs of the 9 in-person and 10 via Zoom sailors who are part of the V.I. Fleet group. The Zoom audience included my esteemed partner in coordinating this year’s group, Daragh Nagle from his land yacht in Arizona.

Next month, however, the V.I. Fleet meeting will be a strictly in-person workshop as Daragh and I help attendees explore some of the possibilities of the Open CPN software.


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