The Vancouver Island Fleet meeting on November 16 was reasonably attended with 15 folks at the Royal Victoria Yacht Club and 11 computers on the Zoom platform.
Dr. Catherine Ascah followed our usual announcements, education news and Show and Tell from Brent Alley. Brent’s gems included a trusty handheld wind speed indicator and some great tools to make the perfect Latte including an infra-red temperature gauge to ensure the milk is the correct temperature for the mix. This device is also very handy as a maintenance tool to spot potential mechanical trouble sources before they break down completely.
Catherine always provides a vast array of reference information for cruisers to review and tuck away to assist them when the need arises as well as the best current medical information regarding travel medicine and preventative procedures to minimize these medical risks.
Dr. Devin Jones (one of our current enthusiastic fleet members) followed Catherine to present his detailed look at preventative measures and emergency responses from the dental perspective.
The Vancouver Island Fleet group is very grateful for the privilege of having these two well informed professionals inform our cruisers as they prepare for their dream journeys.
Next month Tony Gooch addresses Heavy Weather Sailing followed by a quick look at Offshore Sail Trim by Daragh and Al.