The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

Vancouver Chapter

Vancouver Fleet Report: January 2016

Cameron and Marianne McLean, Vancouver Fleet Coordinators

The January meeting was held on January 26, chaired by Dan Wilson of the Program Committee since the McLean’s were still away in Mexico. The program started with a presentation from Fleet member Malcolm Wilkinson giving us the benefit of his offshore experiences. Among other topics he emphasized avoiding the use of the main when […]

Vancouver Fleet Report: December

Rosario Passos

I always look forward to the December Fleet meeting in Vancouver. You see, every year (and I have been in Fleet for a couple now) Cam and Marianne open their home (and cellar) to all Fleet members to host a potluck dinner to celebrate the festive season. This year was no different, and the Vancouver […]

Vancouver Fleet Report: November

Cameron and Marianne McLean, Vancouver Fleet Coordinators

The third meeting of the Fleet of 2016 was held on November 24 at 1900h at the Scottish Cultural Centre. We heard from Jeff Cote of Pacific Yacht Systems on power generation and power storage. I have been asking for a volunteer to coordinate VICE 2016. Since VICE is a program for all of BCA […]

Vancouver Fleet Report: October

Cameron and Marianne McLean, Vancouver Fleet Coordinators

The second meeting of the Fleet of 2016 was held on October 27 at 1900h at the Scottish Cultural Centre. We had a presentation from Anne Woodson and Dick Towson of Full and Bye on their trip to Mexico. This was followed by Ken and Carol Gillstrom on Safety at Sea – preventing emergencies. The […]

Vancouver Fleet Report: September

Cameron and Marianne McLean, Vancouver Fleet Coordinators

The first meeting of the Fleet of 2016 was held on September 22 1900h at the Scottish Cultural Centre. Members of the new Fleet introduced themselves and volunteered for the various Fleet committees. Then we had presentations from Karina of Sea Rover II on their trip to Mexico. This was followed by Cresswell Walker and […]

About the Vancouver Fleet

Cameron and Marianne McLean, Vancouver Fleet Coordinators

Fleet is an education focus group for those planning to head offshore in the next year or two. The Fleet group meets regularly and offers additional training in the form of meetings, workshops, vendors’ visits and boat visits. Fleet is also excellent for Doners, who are preparing for another voyage, get primed, updated and meet […]

It was all about Ian

Rosario Passos

The celebration of life for Ian Monsarrat was a beautiful event at Spruce Harbour Marina in Vancouver in April. Blake Williams, Past Commodore of BCA, delivered a beautiful toast to Ian, amid sea shanties and a sea of friends, gathered together to celebrate Ian’s life. There were many photographs scattered throughout the room that brought […]

Vancouver Fleet

Cameron and Marianne McLean, Vancouver Fleet Coordinators

The Vancouver Fleet of 2015 held their regular meeting on April 28. The presenter was a psychologist discussing the cruising life. The focus was not just being on the water, but the process of getting ready and getting off the dock. An extra meeting in April was on the 18th at North Sails Loft in […]

Vancouver Fleet

Cameron and Marianne McLean, Vancouver Fleet Coordinators

The Vancouver Fleet of 2015 held their regular meeting on the 24th of March. The topics covered included: Seamanship – anchors and anchoring by Fleet member Alex Brydon. Handling heavy weather with Fleet member Ken Roberson. Types of windvanes presented by Will and Sarah Curry of Hydrovane. There were two extra meetings in March dealing […]

BCA Presents Nigel Calder

Norm Cooper

Nigel Calder, world renowned boat system expert, author and educator will be coming to Western Canada in April 2015.  His BCA hosted educational tour will include stops in Vancouver, Victoria, Nanaimo and Calgary. Nigel Calder Daytime Educational Seminars in Vancouver & Victoria Nigel’s two daytime educational seminars will be held in Vancouver & Victoria.  The […]

Vancouver Fleet

Cameron and Marianne McLean, Vancouver Fleet Coordinators

The regular Vancouver Fleet meeting for February is on the 24th and features Guy Druce. Guy’s presentation is titled “Electronics – High Tech / Low Tech”. He will discuss his experience as navigator in last year’s Vic Maui race as navigator on a fairly high-tech boat in contrast to his circumnavigation in a low-tech one. […]

Is Your Member Profile Up-to-Date?

It is that time of year when we ask you, as the Primary Member, to check your member profile on the BCA website. Why is checking your information so important? Because Geraldine Guilfoyle and Donna Sassaman, Directory Coordinators, are preparing to compile the 2015 Member Directory and, if your website profile is up-to-date, your directory entries […]