The Vancouver Island Fleet meeting on November 16 was reasonably attended with 15 folks at the Royal Victoria Yacht Club and 11 computers on the Zoom platform. Dr. Catherine Ascah followed our usual announcements, education news and Show and Tell from Brent Alley. Brent’s gems included a trusty handheld wind speed indicator and some great […]
On September 21, 15 sailors from 8 boats met at the Royal Victoria Yacht Club with 9 sailors from 6 boats via Zoom for the first session of the 2022-23 BCA VI Fleet. Fleet coordinators Daragh Nagle and Al Kitchen and weather facilitator Max Shaw introduced themselves to the group, described the typical operating process […]
The BCA Vancouver Island Fleet wrapped up the year with a presentation on Weather Routing using Open CPN. The VI Fleet Coordinators cooperated on this project with an introduction to Open CPN and how it compares and complement other navigation options by Daragh Nagle followed by a look at Weather Routing offshore using the plugins […]
The V.I. Fleet welcomed another new member on Wednesday March 9 as Carl Homer was able to join our group virtually from Mid-Island. The introductory announcements covered Leaver’s packages, the BCA Fleet Map, the V.I. Fleet rendezvous, Vancouver Island Cruising Experience (VICE): the Vancouver Island circumnavigation shake-down cruise, and upcoming Education opportunities. Mike and Shirley […]
The VI Fleet is lucky to continue to welcome new members as the season progresses and we did so on February 9 when Siggi and Johanne Kemmler joined us for a look at safety gear and sail repair and maintenance. But not until we had volunteers for March (the Hiscocks) and April (Marina Steele & […]
Our meeting this month started with a lengthy list of announcements as the group sorts out several activities targeting the cruising season this year. Philip and Michelle Cook volunteered to present February’s Show and Tell before Werner Kurz and Sarah Beukema told us about the many advantages of having their Motorola T600 “Talk About” walkie […]
We had 24 sailors in attendance for the Vancouver Island Fleet meeting on November 16. The topic, Medical Preparations for Offshore, is always in high demand and there is always lots of material to cover (even without COVID-19 to consider). We are gifted on the Island to have Dr. Catherine Ascah with her history in […]
On September 29, the B.C.A. V.I. Fleet & Weather groups got a good start on the year though our numbers are still a little hard to settle as we had Zoom visitors from Vancouver and Calgary at this session. Best guess is somewhere around 18 V.I. folks so it looks like we are on our […]
BC Parks has been receiving complaints of boats over 11 meters (36 feet) using the docks in Marine Parks. Larger boats may be able to use the mooring buoys or may be able to anchor subject to availability and restrictions in each park. There is limited information available for boaters on the BC Parks website. […]
The final BCA V.I. Fleet meeting of the 2020/21 season was held virtually on April 14. After announcing the cancellations of various BCA events due to the current pandemic conditions, Brent Alley opened a discussion evaluating Mobile Hot Spots. He discussed their purposes, options and the advantages of several of the devices available. We then […]
On March 11, the Zoom meeting of the Vancouver Island Fleet group focussed on safety devices with a presentation and discussion lead by Dan Bieller from Pacific Coast Liferaft. Prior to this James Graham presented the Heylo heat retention cooking bag as a Show & Tell item. Dan then discussed the appropriate sizing and style […]
Any doubts about the effectiveness of a virtual platform to host a tri-chapter Fleet meeting were thoroughly dispelled Thursday night (January 14). The topic of navigation device choices was addressed with special attention to Open CPN, a mature, open-source Chart Plotter Navigation program. After Daragh Nagle discussed the broader topic of devices and systems available […]