The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

An Update From the Calgary Chapter and What’s Ahead in 2024

December 31st, 2023

Season’s Greetings and Happy New Year from the Calgary Chapter!

At the beginning of December we had a fun-filled quiz night and potluck to close the 2023 season. Important nautical facts such as who was Calico Jack, and why was Gilligan’s boat named the Minnow were tested.

Aiden and Elaine hosted another wonderful Pre-Thanksgiving Rendezvous at Montague Harbour Provincial Marine Park. The foil cook-off entrees were delicious, as were the all-important desserts!

Our Education Watchkeeper, Steve Colleaux ran a very thorough and informative offshore navigation course this fall, courtesy of Canadian Power Squadron.

Looking Ahead

Calgary club nights will continue next year with evenings at Shaganappi Community Hall, scheduled for Tuesday Feb 6 and Tuesday March 5.  Watch for details in Currents and on the BCA website calendar.

BCA has received a very kind invite from the Nanaimo Power Squadron to participate in: West Coast Weather Seminar.  The Nanaimo Power Squadron’s West Coast Weather Seminar provides boaters with a basic background in meteorology tailored to BC’s south coast. It begins with a review of basic weather theory then moves to specific regional weather information.  This three-week seminar will be presented by Robin Lines, Weather Services Specialist / Met Inspector, Environment Canada (retired) – via Zoom, on Tuesdays, Jan 23, 30 and Feb 6. Please email me, or Steve Colleaux for a registration form. Cost is $75 for BCA members.

A special thank-you to Vancouver Island Chapter for offering to include Alberta Sailors in their Fleet activities.  If you are planning to go offshore in the next couple of years and would like to join the Fleet, please contact Campbell Good, VI Fleet coordinator.

John Kortbeek
Calgary Vice Commodore


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