The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

BCA Presents Nigel Calder

Norm Cooper

Sarah Jean II
Saga 43
February 19th, 2015

Nigel Calder, world renowned boat system expert, author and educator will be coming to Western Canada in April 2015.  His BCA hosted educational tour will include stops in Vancouver, Victoria, Nanaimo and Calgary.

Nigel Calder Daytime Educational Seminars in Vancouver & Victoria

Nigel’s two daytime educational seminars will be held in Vancouver & Victoria.  The first will be on Boat Electrical Systems.  The second will be on Marine Diesel Engines.  These  outstanding seminars are now available for registration on the BCA website.  They are a great deal at only $60 per seminar for BCA members and $75 for non-members.  For complete details please go to the website links below.  If you are interested please sign up as soon as possible.  They will sell out quickly!

Vancouver  –  Saturday, April 11

Victoria  –  Sunday, April 12

 Four Evenings of Nigel Calder Talks

(Vancouver, Victoria, Nanaimo & Calgary)

Don’t miss Nigel Calder’s engaging evening talks in Vancouver on April 11, Victoria on April 12, Nanaimo on April 13 & Calgary on April 14 as he takes a humorous look at Lessons Learned Along the Way over four decades of cruising.  He will share stories and provide an overview of what’s involved in maintaining critical boat systems and how to cope when they fail. There will be lots of time for your questions and to meet Nigel in person.

Advanced tickets for these evening talks will be available soon on the BCA website.  Watch for an announcement in Currents.  In the meantime, mark these dates on your calendars.


  1. Adam Wanczura says:

    Victoria tickets available online until Friday, then at the door by cash or cheque only.

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