The Vancouver Fleet group met online on Tuesday, January 28.
The meeting opened with the introduction of a new member, and a show and tell presentation of an ACR personal location beacon. The PLB is one safety alternative to EPIRBs.
Committee reports included the Program Committee announcing a medical safety at sea presentation in February by Dr. Janet McKeown. Kit Griffin reported that education courses are up and running and listed on the BCA website, including a sail loft visit, diesel engine courses and a potential fiberglassing course.
There is no weather sub-group currently running. Interested members can contact Cam McLean or Marilyn Sanford.
The evening program featured a three boat round table discussion. Kelly and Jeff of Distant Star, Larissa and Duncan of Freeranger and Ann and Renee of Simka talked about their passages so far, surprises and what they might do differently. Discussions ranged from provisioning, spare parts, fear and seasickness, cruising with kids, and wildlife sightings, to the value in group cruising and online nets such as the Coho HoHo, Baja HaHa and Baja Bound.
The round table format afforded detailed question and answer discussions for all.