This year brings new faces to BCA’s Board of Directors, with some long-serving members retiring from the Board at the end of 2024. A big thank you to the 2024 Board of Directors and their supporting teams throughout BCA, and “hats-off” to those who have volunteered to serve on the Board of Directors and Chapter Watches this year.
At the Annual General Meeting on December 5, 2024, the following were elected to the Board of Directors for 2025.
BCA Commodore: David Vincent
David Vincent “paddled in” to serve as BCA Commodore for 2025 and has been volunteering with VI Mid-Island watchkeepers in Nanaimo since 2013. His cruising resume includes single-handing his Jespersen 35, Marimba II for 3 years through the South Pacific to New Zealand and returning to BC in 2016. He has been sailing the west coast of BC for 40 years and also actively coordinates BCA’s Mid-Island Sail Training program (MIST).
In his introductory remarks at the AGM, David acknowledged he is prepared for a steep learning curve and offers to integrate his experience in engineering and industry to lead the Board of Directors. David looks forward to working with the Board members and Reporting Team Leads and is making plans to visit BCA members in the Chapters and at other BCA events – ashore and on the water. He welcomes input and ideas from all BCA members!
BCA Treasurer: Kevin Swanson
Since he joined BCA in 2023, Kevin has been volunteering as the Vancouver Chapter tech support for their hybrid Zoom club nights, and he recently became copy editor for Currents. He was also the Zoom Host for the recent AGM. Kevin has only been sailing since 2022, gaining experience in local waters and participating in BCA events in his San Juan 24, Den Andra. He is currently experiencing “eight-foot-itis”, and is looking for a larger, better equipped boat.
In 2025, Kevin will guide and monitor the overall financial activities of BCA with direct support from the three Chapter Treasurers and Past BCA Treasurer, Darryl Lapaire.
BCA Secretary: Denise (Dee) Logan
Dee Logan joined the Board as BCA Secretary in 2022, while on the move to Vancouver Island from Calgary, where she had volunteered on the Calgary Watch for three years. Dee has started cruising in the Salish Sea with Dolphin Tales and has recently joined the VI Fleet to prepare for future passages afar.
As Board Secretary, Dee manages agendas and Minutes for the meetings of the Board of Directors and for BCA’s Annual General Meeting, while aligning Board and Governance & Policy documentation to keep a steady hand on our fiduciary status as a non-profit organization. She is pleased to continue as Board Secretary in 2025 and to assist with on-boarding new Directors and Team Leads.
Past Commodore: David Mitchell
David Mitchell moves to the role of Past Commodore as he concludes his term as BCA Commodore. He had previously served as Vancouver Island Vice Commodore. David was instrumental in initiating Strategic Planning Objectives in 2022 and provided supportive leadership to the Board of the Directors, Reporting Team Leads including all Chapter Watchkeepers and BCA members during his tenure as BCA Commodore 2022-2024.
The Past Commodore is an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the Board of Directors, an important position that provides continuity between incoming and outgoing boards and helps to support and inform board decisions. In addition, the Past Commodore manages the annual BCA Awards program.
Look for David on Salt on the BCA Fleet Map as he and his partner, Trina Holt, venture forward!
Chapter Vice Commodores
During the 2024 AGM, the three BCA Chapter Vice Commodores were formally presented to the BCA membership-at-large and they are now voting members of the Board of Directors, working on behalf of their respective Chapters to progress opportunities and manage BCA-wide business matters.
Elected to represent the members of their respective Chapters, Chapter Vice Commodores also support the teams reporting to the Board and their Chapter Watchkeepers, who are busy planning activities for 2025, including Club nights, BCA Rendezvous, and local skill training & education courses. Please reach out them if you have any suggestions or ideas.
Vancouver Island Vice Commodore: Scott Crawshaw
Scott Crawshaw returns as Vancouver Island’s Vice Commodore, having held the role since 2021. In addition to his support of both Vancouver Island South and Mid-Island, Scott is a strong champion of the BCA Mentorship Program and leads the Strategic Objective #3 on BCA Education Offerings, working with the Education Watchkeepers across all chapters, as well as the MIST and Fleet Coordinators. Scott is also an active instructor of BCA courses including Basic and Intermediate Marine Weather and Marine Sextant training.
Vancouver Vice Commodore: Allison Hall
Allison Hall was elected as Vancouver Vice Commodore, succeeding Don Hutchison who has stepped down from the Board after 3 years. Allison joined BCA in March 2024 with a personal goal to go offshore. She has been on the UBC Sailing Club executive and chose to volunteer as she was interested in getting involved in BCA. Allison says she is excited to see the amazing speakers already scheduled by the Vancouver Watch and she invites all BCA to check-out the newly-minted, online Bosun’s store.
Calgary Vice Commodore: Doug Cole
Doug Cole was elected as Calgary Vice Commodore, succeeding John Kortbeek who has left on his offshore adventures on Bear North. Doug joined BCA in 2024 and moors Up Next in Goldstream Marina near Langford. “I hope to build on the work of the Calgary Chapter by continuing with social evenings and by attracting speakers who will provide valuable education on various aspects from passage preparation to marine repairs, enhancing the knowledge and skills of our members.”
BCA Vice Commodore: Could this be you?
This important BCA Board position remained unfilled at the conclusion of the 2024 AGM. BCA members can see more details about the role of BCA Vice Commodore on the BCA website in the Volunteer Center. If you are interested in volunteering for this position, please contact Commodore David Vincent and/or Don Hutchison. Please note that you do not have to be a “doner” to serve as BCA Vice Commodore and/or in other roles on the Board or the Chapters Watches – your life experience, personal skills and interest in BCA activities, along with a desire to learn more, are all you need to bring value to the Board.