The VI Fleet had its second meeting on Sunday, January 12 at the home of VI Fleet Coordinator, Campbell Good and Jennifer Handley. Thirteen people representing eight of twelve boats were present. Introductions were made and cruising plans shared. BCA Commodore, David Vincent, who also is this year’s MIST coordinator, was also in attendance.
We talked about the new meeting format for this year’s Fleet, with in-person social gatherings and presentations on the second weekend of the month. VI Fleet members are also encouraged to attend the virtual Vancouver Fleet meetings which happen on the last Tuesday of the month.
David Vincent proposed, and the group agreed, to combine the annual Fleet Rendezvous with Mid-Island Sail Training (MIST) which will be held May 2-4 starting in Montague Harbour. MIST is now on the BCA website calendar (more details to come soon) and open for registrations.
Jennifer gave an overview of the BCA website and details on how to use MMSI to get position reports on the BCA Fleet Map (contact Campbell if you would like to add your boat to the map).
After a lively social break – we will make more coffee next time! – the group also talked about what topics are of interest to them going forward.
The next VI Fleet meeting is on Sunday, February 9. Any VI members who are planning to go offshore in the next year or so are welcome to attend. Please contact Campbell for more information and meeting location.
Van Fleet meetings are on the last Tuesdays of the month.
Thanks, Cam, for the correction. The article has been updated.