The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

April Currents: It’s All About the Rendezvous

Rosario Passos

Counting Stars
Whitby 42 Ketch
May 7th, 2015

Another month has gone by, and the buzz is all about rendezvous at BCA! The first rendezvous of the year is just around the corner: not only does this mean spring is here and we start to plan summer outings, but it also means getting together with friends and fellow sailors for good times, good food and hopefully a few good sea shanties! I can’t wait for the May long weekend  to be here, and I hope to see many of you at Bedwell Harbour, on Pender Island for the “Sailing the Salish Sea” rendezvous.

The second rendezvous of the year is well into the planning and the excitement is growing as the committee makes plans for the new venue (Newcastle Island in Nanaimo), comes up with fun activities and tries to keep the crazy ideas under control. Stay tuned!

This past month has been busy as I have collected many photos for the Currents cover photo contest. Thank you so much to all of you for the great participation. We received 77 submissions! Woohoo! The Currents team will be looking at each submission and will announce the winning photos by mid May. I have marveled at the beautiful photos and all the exotic places our members have been to. Being a dreamer myself, I can’t wait to cast off the lines and sail into the sunset.

Before I sign-off, I leave you with a reminder to keep sending us your stories along with your photos. The stories can be about your travels, or about any sailing or boating related topics. Your contributions make Currents the fantastic publication that it is! And on that note, if you prefer to print or read all the articles in one sitting, a collection of the articles published in April is now available for you to download in pdf format.  Til next month…


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