The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

Calling for Nominations: BCA Cruising, Service and Perpetual Awards (2018)

Jennifer Handley

September 14th, 2018

Ever since the first awards were presented in November 1978 (see Sept 2007 article, page 10), BCA has recognized its members’ achievements at annual awards ceremonies that take place in December in each Chapter.  These celebratory occasions, shared with the membership at large, inspire the “dreamers” among us, encourage the “do-ers”, and remind the “doners” of their own bluewater experiences.

So, if your answer is “yes” to any or all of the following questions, now is the time to act!

  • Have you just returned from offshore?  Are you eligible for a cruising award?
  • Are you retiring from a Chapter Watch or the Board of Directors after a minimum of three consecutive years of service?
  • Do you know someone who is eligible for a cruising or service award or deserves special recognition with a perpetual award?

If you think you are eligible for an award, or know someone who is, please speak up!  The greatest compliment you can pay to a fellow BCA member is to put them forward as a nominee.

Cruising Awards

The Cruising Awards honour the sailing achievements of Bluewater Cruising Association skippers and their crews and/or their safe return to home port:

  • Coastal 999 Award – for members who complete a minimum 999nm coastal (harbour-hopping) voyage as measured in a straight line outside Canadian territorial waters
  • Offshore Crew Award – for members who complete a minimum 999nm non-stop offshore passage as measured in a straight line outside Canadian territorial waters as crew on a non-commercial vessel
  • Offshore Skipper’s Award – for members who skipper a non-commercial vessel belonging to someone else for a minimum 999nm non-stop offshore passage as measured in a straight line outside Canadian territorial waters
  • Owner’s Offshore Award – for members who complete a minimum 999nm non-stop offshore passage as measured in a straight line outside Canadian territorial waters on their own boat
  • Cape Horn Award – for members who have rounded Cape Horn on their own boat
  • Circumnavigation Award – for members who successfully circumnavigate on their own boat

BCA cruising and service awards

Service Awards

The Service Awards recognize individuals who have served as Watchkeepers at the Chapter or Board of Director level, for an extended period of time, and those who are particularly deserving of recognition due to their unflagging volunteer contributions, often carried out quietly behind the scenes.

  • Service Award – for “retiring” Watchkeepers who have served more than three years on the Watch and/or Board of Directors
  • Rudi Seifert Keeper of the Light Award – for significant contributions to BCA that reflect and support the spirit, vision and/or values of the Association

Perpetual Awards

The Perpetual Awards acknowledge unique sailing, organizational and sometimes humorous achievements and / or actions that are worthy of recognition; they are awarded from time to time:

  • Peter Doherty Goodwill Ambassador Award – awarded to an individual or couple who exemplify, while cruising, an outstanding commitment to furthering the cruising lifestyle of camaraderie and providing assistance
  • Ben Rusi Seamanship Award – awarded to an individual or couple for acts of seamanship demonstrating levels of courage, determination, citizenship and discipline
  • Doug Mitchell Memorial Single Hander’s Award – awarded to an individual who has made a significant single-handed voyage
  • Antares Pacific High Finders’ Award – awarded annually to the member who logs the longest time Hawaii-Victoria passage in either direction
  • Hill-Padwick Bent Mast Award – awarded for the “boo boo of the year” as determined by popular vote during Awards night
  • Peterson Cup – awarded to the winner of the annual Peterson Cup Cruising Rally, as determined by the rally participants
  • Ted Long Award – awarded to an individual for outstanding personal contributions to BCA

Nomination / Application Process

Detailed information about BCA’s many sailing and perpetual awards, the nomination process and application criteria can be found on the BCA website and in the 2018 Member Directory, pp 20-24.  To apply for and/or nominate other members for any of the above awards (excluding the Peterson Cup), please email Past Commodore, Jennifer Handley.  All applicants for cruising awards will be required to provide detail about the qualifying voyage(s), including dates.  Nominations for Service or Perpetual awards will be required to include detail about nature of service to BCA, including dates, and/or address specific award criteria.

In order to allow time for review by the Awards Committee, engraving, and presentation at the three Chapters’ Awards Nights in December, all applications must be received prior to October 31, 2018.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Jennifer.




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