The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

From The Commodore’s Desk

September 13th, 2021

In my last communiqué I said, “May we all be rafted soon! I look forward to your stories, songs, sharing food and drink, and mostly, your faces.”

Well! We have done that! It was truly amazing to see so many of you at our Bluewater Cruising Association Rendezvous. I believe those who attended were filled with a joy and a sense of connection that was way overdue. Well done to the BCA Vancouver Chapter for a job very well done! I cannot thank you enough.

As time passes and COVID-19 restrictions begin to lift, our chapter watches continue to look at ways to provide our community with hybrid club nights. Some of our watchkeepers have trialed the concept and are ready to put the format into action as soon as our provincial health providers give the thumbs up. Until we are able to safely provide inside face-to-face/hybrid club nights, we will continue to use the Zoom platform to host our monthly club nights.

I am excited to see that many of you were able to get out on the water this summer and enjoy time with your boats. Some are even looking at re-starting their offshore dreams. Although COVID uncertainties may delay some of us from taking the leap for another year, it is inspiring to see the planning begin again.

I continue to encourage all to reach out and connect with one of our BCA family members and say hi, ask how they are doing, show you care, and that they are valued. Join in on the virtual BURPs, club nights, and participate in the social aspects before and after the presentations. If you have found a strategy that works for you, please share it.

It is so awesome to be out on our boats again! Have fun!

Yours aye,

David Mitchell




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