The Summer is rushing by and I am madly trying to catch up with Currents. So many things to update you on… Where to begin? First, here is the compilation of the articles published in June. It’s coming out quite late, so my apologies for that. I promise the July compilation will come out in a more timely fashion. See, the month of June saw us taking some vacation in Spain, France and Portugal (we even managed to get out sailing in Barcelona!). When we came home, a whirlwind of visitors (family and friends) was waiting for us. Between visiting and catching up on work, July flew by. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the June compilation of submissions in .pdf format. As you know, you can look at it on your own device all at once, or you can print it if you prefer to read that way.
Currents Cover Photo Contest: Results
The Currents cover photo contest results are in! We had many awesome submissions and, in spite of all being winners in our biased eyes, we had to choose 12 or 14 to be used for the cover of Currents in the next year. You can see the winners in this photo album. I would like to thank everyone who sent in a submission, as well as the selecting committee for the work they did to choose the winners. I know it wasn’t an easy task!
The August Rendezvous
Have you RSVP‘d to the August Rendezvous yet? This fun event organised by the Vancouver Chapter is taking place this coming weekend: August 1, 2 and 3. If you haven’t RSVP’d yet, make sure you do before you cast off the lines on your way to Newcastle Island. This year, BCA is providing the roast beef for dinner, and it would be really helpful to have an idea of how many people will be there. If you already RSVP’d… thank you! You are the best! I see that there are at least 20 RSVPs already!
If you would like to go to the rendezvous, but don’t have a boat, please let Denis know. He will put you in touch with people who would like to take on crew.
With this update I will sign-off with the promise that the July compilation of articles will be more timely. Please keep sending in your stories. Since Currents is now online, we need content year round. And… your stories make this publication the success that it is.
Hi Rosario, Chris and Jacquie will be attending the rendezvous. Also my son Michael with his boat.
That is great Chris! Have you RSVPd on the BCA Website?
Looking forward to seeing you guys and catching up. We are off to Newcastle Island tomorrow. Looks like we have around 25 boats confirmed. Can’t wait for the weekend!
Ciao Rosario , FIRST ! THANK-YOU ! as a regular BCA member for your large efforts each month
to produce Currents . BCA has been blessed with talented and energetic editors forever ! You are no exception!
I have only been a member since ’87 yet I know this to be true .
So, you and Dennis were in Europe…..and you missed Turkey ?… That’s ok . another time .
So, Portugal my 2nd fav country I remember well , starting with the Azores(my fav islands), Lisboa (much like Istanbul ), Algarve, and the Rio Guardiana .
I received my 2015 member directory yesterday(here in Turkey) and see that I have never corrected my ‘boat type.’ I should do this now. We have a Beneteau 50 , but with Cdn registry it is a 14( measured in meters)
That is what should be printed next year…..if I can remember.
So, I reckon Paikal Mist and Surgiamo are the 2 Beny 50’s in the club.
and ….we once met under strange conditions. it’s not a shorty so will save for another rainy day.
Once again , Muito obrigado !
Thanks Ken for your kind words. It’s a pleasure to work on Currents with a very dedicated team!
Yes, we missed Turkey… Family calls in Portugal, so visits to Europe tend to be close to the homeland, but hey, one day we will go visit you! And you must come to Portugal again…. so, did you travel up the Guadiana river? I have never been to the Acores, but plan on it someday.
Glad you received your directory! There is also a very dedicated team that works on that! To change your boat details go to the BCA website: and log in. You are the only person that can change the details on your account.
Then go to the My Profile area (Top right hand corner)
Click on Manage Profile
Edit the subaccount with your boat name
Make all the changes and voila…. the profile will be updated with the new boat information.
See you in the Winter back in Vancouver? And in the meantime, enjoy the Med!