Good news for all those that are new members and those that are preparing to go offshore! BCA is working to reinvigorate the mentorship program with a new look. The new program will be individually led by each Chapter and will have three levels of mentorship to include:
- welcoming new members
- providing advice and expertise
- support through Fleet groups
Becoming a Mentor
To be a mentor at the welcoming level, we are looking for people who have been members for two or more years, who are comfortable with the organization (club nights, events, education, etc.). Your role would be to contact a new member and orient them to BCA with respect to meetings, education, the website and our by-laws.
If you are comfortable transitioning to the advice and expertise level then the mentorship role can carry on, otherwise, a new mentor can be assigned (preferably a Doner).
The Fleet groups are the ultimate level in mentorship, where Dreamers are guided by the Fleet Coordinator(s) and other Fleet members.
A new web page has been posted and can be accessed via the home page, by selecting “Resources” on the left banner, and then “Mentor Program“.
If you are a BCA member and would like to find a mentor to guide you, or are available to be a mentor to others, contact your Chapter Vice Commodore or Chapter Membership Watchkeeper. You can find the contact information on the BCA website in ‘Chapters & Groups‘.