Welcome to Spring! This season, besides bringing April showers and May flowers, also brings the year’s membership directory. I’m happy to report that your 2017 BCA Member Directory has been printed and has been mailed. If you haven’t yet received it, look for it in your mailbox in the next couple of days.
I’m also happy to report that members Rhonda Schuller (Vancouver Chapter) and Ron Morrison (Vancouver Island Chapter) volunteered to coordinate the 2018 directory. They completed their ‘apprenticeship’, working with Geraldine Guilfoyle and me (Donna Sassaman) on this year’s directory. Geraldine and I will be happy to mentor as needed next year and look forward to being surprised and delighted by the cover photo and content of the 2018 directory!
Now that the directory is a wrap, I’m back to my Volunteer Coordinator duties, which have been on hold for the past couple of months. Most of the detailed job descriptions have been finalized and I’ll be submitting them soon to the Board for inclusion in the Operations Manual.
Watchkeepers, if you haven’t yet had a chance to send me your draft job description, please email me and I’ll send you the template. Thanks!
Although the $50 membership dues credit draw is over (congratulations to Stan Homer, Calgary Chapter; Ken Christie, Vancouver Chapter; and Bjarne Hansen, VI Chapter), it’s not too late to submit your volunteer form. Simply complete the Volunteer Form online, which will give the Association details about your talents and interests! (Helpful hint: at the end of the form, where there’s a math problem to complete, request a new math question.)
Opportunities to Volunteer for Bluewater Cruising Association
BCA is a volunteer-run organization so it needs members to volunteer. Besides helping the Association to deliver services and programs, volunteers benefit from involvement in their Chapter’s management and free entry into Club Nights! Some positions even have their own burgees for the incumbents to display at Rendezvous and other BCA events.
BCA Vice Commodore
The Board of Directors is seeking a dynamic member to serve as Vice Commodore. Overall responsibilities include:
- Serving on the Board of Directors.
- Assisting the Commodore in matters related to the management of the Association.
- Being, or becoming, knowledgeable regarding past practices and history of BCA to ensure ongoing respect for, and continuation of, organizational traditions. (The Historian and Vice Commodore may collaborate to bring the history and traditions of the organization to the attention of the membership.)
- Being, or becoming familiar with past and present policies and practices, to assist in the continuity of operations and effective governance.
Tasks include:
- Serves as the Commodore’s delegate as needed.
- Is responsible for organizing the Annual General Meeting.
- Is responsible for conducting reviews of key policies and practices.
Note: This position generally leads to the incumbent assuming the position of Commodore; however, it is not a requirement of the position.
Calgary Bosun
The Calgary Chapter needs a cheerful Bosun with sales aptitude! Tasks include:
- Maintains inventory of all items for sale.
- Coordinates Chapter Club night Bosun’s Locker sales.
- Researches and purchases items of interest to members.
- Liaises with other Bosuns regarding inventory.
Calgary Rendezvous Coordinator
If you have an aptitude for event planning, coordinating the Thanksgiving Rendezvous just may be up your alley! Tasks include:
- Reserve the venue and arrange the details.
- Advertise through Currents, emails, and Club night announcements.
- Plan activities for the Rendezvous and find the volunteers to run them.
- Prepare information packages for each boat attending the Rendezvous, including an itinerary for the weekend, information regarding the venue, any information for theme activities, draw tickets, etc.
- Register attendees, keep track of attendance fee (currently $5), help people to feel welcome and included, and hand out information packages.
- Organize breakfasts, happy hour, and organize volunteers to assist. Note: Thanksgiving dinner is provided by the Marina for a fee.
- Prepare an article for Currents to be published as soon as possible after the Rendezvous.
Vancouver Bartender(s)
If you are a regular attender of Vancouver Club Nights and enjoy socializing, this position may be for you! Ideally, two people will work in this position. Tasks include:
- Purchases and dispenses refreshments at Club Nights.
- Successful completion of ‘Serving It Right’. Note: This is a requirement under BC liquor laws; if the bartender doesn’t already have ‘Serving It Right’, the Chapter will pay the $35 fee for them to take the course. It is online and quite easy.
- Ensures that we have a valid liquor license whenever the bar is open.
Vancouver Communications
This position provides communications support to the Chapter’s membership through email, PowerPoint, posters, and the BCA website. Tasks include:
- Creates and emails a poster monthly, promoting Club nights.
- Maintains the mailing list for Club night monthly promotion.
- Sends out emails to all Chapter members re club night and reminders of same.
- Posts Club night events to the BCA website.
- Posts Club night events to Currents.
- Creates PowerPoint presentation, with announcements for Club night.
- Promotes Chapter and Club activities to other yacht clubs in BC.
Vancouver Island Membership
This position is instrumental in increasing the membership of the Chapter as well as that of the Association in general. Tasks include:
- Sends a personalized email to new members, welcoming them to the Chapter and BCA.
- Introduces new members to the other Watchkeepers at Club Nights (e.g., Fleet Coordinator, Education Watchkeeper).
- Encourages new members to join the Facebook group and website groups.
- Encourages new members to set up their boat information, partner information, and blogs on the website.
- Facilitates membership sales at Club nights and events such as Rendezvous by having paper application forms available; processing payments with a manual credit card machine or by accepting cheques; or providing electronic device access (e.g., iPad, Paypal) to prospects wishing to join the Association.
Please let your Chapter Vice Commodore know of your interest to serve in the applicable position by emailing:
- Calgary: Cathy Norrie
- Vancouver: Blair Tweten
- Vancouver Island (Victoria): Ralph Lapp; and/or
- The BCA Volunteer Coordinator
Thank you and fair winds!