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The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

Sharing our Knowledge: Climate Reports

Environmentally and Socially Responsible Cruising Working Group

May 30th, 2024

As part of BCA’s Environmentally and Socially Responsible Cruising (ESRC) strategy we are inviting those Currents readers who are currently cruising offshore to submit “climate reports”. These reports will be available to assist other cruisers in their planning, and give everyone a broad perspective on changes occurring in the cruising environment.

Based on a survey of BCA members, we have heard of significant changes occurring due to climate change. This request will allow us to gather more detail and to learn about the specific locations of changes, so other cruisers can be aware of them.

Please submit a report on what you are observing, where you are observing it, and how you are adapting your cruising to the changes. Reports could include:

  • Changes you are seeing in the ocean environment and the locations of these changes (e.g. pollution, fisheries, coral reefs, ocean temperatures, etc.)
  • Changes in weather and how you are adapting to these changes in the areas you are cruising (changing routes, timing, equipment, seamanship skills, etc.)
  • Changes in the communities you visit (the issues they are facing and how they are responding)

If you have an article of some length, you can submit directly to Currents using the simple online form or via email to the Currents Editor.  However, you don’t need to write a whole article – even a short couple of sentences can be useful to other cruisers – please submit these via a separate email to the ESRC group. The longer submissions to Currents may be published as stand-alone articles, while shorter relevant emails will be gathered by the ESRC working group and presented together in one article. (Note that the Managing Editor has the final say on what gets published.)

Your willingness to share your observations with others will be both appreciated by the ESRC team and helpful to other cruisers that may be heading to those areas.


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